Just For You
A bouquet of 10 red roses, lisianthus & dehydrated plush pink ming and billy buttons nestled in fresh gum
Mar, 29, 2016
Mar, 29, 2016
Mar, 29, 2016
Apr, 01, 2016
A bouquet of 10 red roses, lisianthus & dehydrated plush pink ming and billy buttons nestled in fresh gum
Dee Bear with Scarf Red 20cm
Rex Puppy with Bone White 22cm
Bala Monkey with Rose Flower Dark Brown 25cm
Mia Bear with Red Sequined Heart Brown 18cm
Papo Tiger with Rose Flower Brown 25cm
Lola Puppy with Red Heart Dark Brown 21cm
Owen Monkey with Heart in Brown.
30 cm
A ceramic pot filled with 12 either Red or White or mixed Roses.
A box of LOVE with a total of 12 Red and Ivory Roses